The Roundhouse Foundation presents The Tentmakers of Cairo, a virtual presentation of the sustainment of a spectacular aspect of Egypt’s living heritage. Join us across three continents as Jenny Bowker shares her traveling and quilting experiences and the intricate textile artworks that are unique to Egypt. These are called Khayamiya, or Egyptian Tentmaker Applique. Join Jenny with Ahmen Kamal and Hany Mahmoud of the Tentmakers as they present their story and their beautiful handiwork.
This event has been transitioned to a virtual evening; please join us in welcoming Jenny, Ahmen and Hany to the SOQS family.
Your ticket price includes access to our live virtual event, some SOQS swag, and an exclusive preview and early access to the Tentmaker’s quilts available for purchase - all for $25 per person. Tickets available here and through Quilter’s Affair.