2024 Traffic Information
Everything you need to know for the day of the show
Local traffic on Quilt Show Day:
Businesses are accessible in Three Wind Center on the west end of Sisters. Bi-Mart, Takoda’s Restaurant and other businesses can all be accessed from Hwy 20 eastbound. Westbound traffic can access these businesses via Hood Avenue.
- Traffic Flow -
PLEASE NOTE: THERE IS A NEW ROUNDABOUT BEING BUILT AT THE EAST END OF CASCADE AVENUE. The amazing team of ODOT & construction crews are working diligently to complete as much as possible prior to Quilt Show Day. Please be advised that we will give updates via our social media sites 1-2 days prior to the show so that you can know what to expect. Please drive with caution, looking out for a new traffic pattern and obeying all directional signs.
Cascade Avenue will be open to east-west traffic on Quilt Show Day. All north-south cross streets will also be open. Please be mindful of pedestrians when driving through town.
The Quilt Show will be creating a car-free corridor on Hood Avenue for all local residents and visitors to explore and enjoy all through the day. Hood Avenue will be closed from Larch Street on the east, to Pine Street on the west side of Hood Ave.
Quilts will be hung on Main Avenue, Cascade Avenue and Hood Avenue, and all cross streets from Oak Street through Larch Street.
Pedestrian Crossing: We encourage pedestrians to cross Cascade Avenue at Oak Street, Barclay Park crossing, and Elm Street where deputies with the Deschutes County Sheriff’s Office will be helping at these crossing points.
- Parking Information -
Parking is available on all city streets in the business district and residential areas in Sisters. Please be considerate of local residents and DO NOT park in or block private driveways or alleyways. Where parking spaces are unmarked, we encourage head-in parking to accommodate more cars. Please do not park on the highway. It is unsafe and there is plenty of parking in downtown Sisters.
Accessible parking is available at all designated accessible parking throughout town. There is also disabled parking on the west side of Locust Street in the lots between the school administration building and Sisters City Hall, and at Village Green Park.
Free Park and Shuttle
Provided by the Sisters Park & Rec Astronomy Club
Tour Bus Drop Off Map
Tour Buses will drop off and pick up passengers on Ash Street and Adams Ave. Buses will park off Larch Street, north of town at Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church.
For a printable PDF Map of Bus Drop off directions, click here: Printable PDF